Friday, December 28, 2012

Mormon vs Christian Debate!

Join Devin and Melissa Pellew each week at they discuss topics related to biblical theology, Christian apologetics and worldview issues. This week, we had a very interesting dialogue between an Evangelical Christian and a Mormon on the topic of "Who is God?" and other key doctrinal differences between the two belief systems. Representing The Church of Latter Day Saints will be Rashago Kemp of Springville, Utah. Rashago grew up the son of the pastor of a non-denomination church and was a youth leader before converting to the Church of Latter Day Saints five years ago. Representing Evangelical Christianity will be Michael Willenborg, graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary with a Master's in Apologetics. We will also take your calls at the end of the show with questions directed at Rashago and Michael. You do not want to miss this interesting croosfire dialogue as we closely examine the teachings of Mormonism and orthodox Christianity and how they differ.

Listen to internet radio with The Invisible Conservative on Blog Talk Radio

Sola Scriptura Debate!!

Join Devin and Melissa Pellew each week at they discuss topics related to biblical theology, Christian apologetics and worldview issues. This week, we had a very interesting dialogue between a Roman Catholic apologist and a Protestant apologist on the topic of "Sola Scriptura". Is the Bible the only infallible rule of faith for the Church? We will explore this question and others related to the topic with Devin Rose, blogger and former atheist turned Catholic apologist and Nathanael Taylor, graduate of Biola University, Westminster Theological Seminary and current philosophy student at Talbot School of Theology. Please join us for this very engaging and respectful crossfire dialog, featuring an important topic of discussion, which has been ongoing for the last 2,000 years. 

Listen to internet radio with The Invisible Conservative on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 10, 2012

Theology Matters

Join Devin and Melissa Pellew each week at they discuss topics related to biblical theology, Christian apologetics and worldview issues. This week, we are so excited to have Dr. Norman Geisler, who is one of the fathers of the modern apologetics movement in America- having written over 80 books on various apolgetic and theological topics, started two apologetics- focused seminaries and having taught and lectured all over the world. Dr. Geisler will answer various apologetic questions- namely related to the New Atheist Movement. We will also have Christian counselor and Southern Evangelical Seminary graduate, Mike Kozlinski, with us after Dr. Geisler to discuss biblical Christian counselingand how knowing theology proper, anthropology, soteriology and apologetics informs one's ability and approach to counseling. You do not want to miss this exciting show!

Listen to internet radio with The Invisible Conservative on Blog Talk Radio

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Worship Experience?

This is a link to this excellent show done on White Horse Inn!

"The worship wars are over, and most Protestant churches now feature a praise band or worship team. In the quest for relevance, today’s churches offer worship experiences that are in tune with the expectations that parishioners receive from contemporary pop culture. However, some are beginning to recognize that this pop-music worship style lacks a certain transcendence, and in their quest to find a sense of the sacred, many are abandoning evangelicalism and are becoming Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox. So is this new appreciation for Gregorian chants and swinging incense a healthy reaction? What is worship anyway? That’s what’s on tap on this edition of White Horse Inn."


Mass Debate

Robert Sungenis vs James White  Is Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice?

Excellent debate with a good cross examination!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Church of Tares

This is an incredible two hour documentary on why the "seeker-driven" models that dominate so many of the churches today is based on a foundation that is polar opposite to that of sacred scripture. We are told in numerous places to fear the Lord and depart evil. It is true when we come to Christ we have purpose and meaning but the reason one needs Christ desperately is to escape the wrath and judgement of God for their sin. 

This video documents the dangerous teachings from men like Steven Furtick, Perry Noble, Rick Warren and others and explains why these churches should be avoided at all cost.