Monday, June 21, 2010
Naturalism vs Theism
Does God Exist: Phil Fernandes vs Dan Barker
Atheism Sucks | MySpace Video
Christian philosopher and apologist debate outspoken Atheist on Gods existence, enjoy!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Greg Koukl
Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Midair from The Veritas Forum on Vimeo.
Moral Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Midair
Greg KouklUniversity of California, Los Angeles
18 April 2001
Moral relativism, says Koukl, is not an alternative way to think about morality, nor is it a refinement of how we are to think of morality—rather, it is an outright denial of morality. In this talk, Koukl addresses what he calls the "myth of moral neutrality," discusses the implications of moral relativity, and illuminates several fatal flaws inherent to the moral relativist position. Ultimately, he argues that moral relativism is untenable and that the best reason for the existence of morality is a moral Lawgiver.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Origin Of Life Panel Debate
Origins of Life Panel Discussion
Fazale Rana, Andy Karplus, Matthew RainbowCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
13 January 2010
In the spirit of pursuing truth, The Veritas Forum will be exploring the origins of human life and how we came to be. Dr. Rana, Dr. Karplus and Dr. Matthew Rainbow will share their respective views as a creationist, assisted evolutionist, and atheistic evolutionist in a discussion-based setting. Each speaker will have about fifteen minutes to present his or her views on how life came to be, in particular human life. In the spirit of the discussion-based exploration of true life, the second half of this event will be dedicated to an audience Q&A session.
Can we be Good Without God?
Can We Be Good Without God? from The Veritas Forum on Vimeo.
Can We Be Good Without God?
Francis J. BeckwithCalifornia State University, Fresno
21 February 2007
Although both religious believers and unbelievers can be good persons, is it possible for there to be a moral law without a Divine Law Giver? Professor Beckwith answers "no," and offers an argument for why ethics needs God.
Christian Philosopher J.P. Moreland
JP Moreland - Naturalism and How it is Affecting Culture from Southeastern Seminary on Vimeo.
JP Moreland - Naturalism and How it is Affecting Culture
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
This is an audio Lecture given by Dr. William Lance Craig on why there is something rather than nothing.
William Lane Craig at National Faculty Leadership Conference
June, 2008, Washington, D.C.
Below is a brief excerpt from an article found on Dr. Craig's website. To read the full article please visit
"The first question which should rightly be asked," wrote G.W.F. Leibniz, is "Why is there something rather than nothing?"[1] This question does seem to possess a profound existential force, which has been felt by some of mankind's greatest thinkers. According to Aristotle, philosophy begins with a sense of wonder about the world, and the most profound question a man can ask concerns the origin of the universe.[2] In his biography of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Norman Malcolm reports that Wittgenstein said that he sometimes had a certain experience which could best be described by saying that "when I have it, I wonder at the existence of the world. I am then inclined to use such phrases as 'How extraordinary that anything should exist!'"[3] Similarly, one contemporary philosopher remarks, ". . . My mind often seems to reel under the immense significance this question has for me. That anything exists at all does seem to me a matter for the deepest awe."[4]
Why does something exist instead of nothing? Leibniz answered this question by arguing that something exists rather than nothing because a necessary being exists which carries within itself its reason for existence and is the sufficient reason for the existence of all contingent being.[5]"
William Lane Craig
Is Science Opposed To Belief in God?
Steven Hawking says "science will triumph over belief in God. "Science will win because it works."
Sad that a mind so brilliant refuses to give God the glory. He says the one thing he wants to know is why there is something rather than nothing. In the post above philosopher and Christian Dr. William Lane Craig answers Hawkings question!
William Lane Craig
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
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