Sunday, January 31, 2010
Amazing Story Of A Botched Abortion
Amazing story of a young lady who survived one of the most horrific methods of abortion there is, the saline abortion method. Her story demonstrates the importance for standing up for life. We must all stand up and do our part to fight against the evils of abortion.
Friday, January 29, 2010
St. Thomas Aquinas On The Metaphysical Nature Of Angels

Catholic Philosopher Dr. Peter Kreeft explains St. Thomas Aquinas views on Angels and how one should understand the metaphysical nature of Angels, very good lecture!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tim Tebow Pro-life Commercial
Funny how those who claim to be the most tolerant want to silent any and all opposing views.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Does God Exist?

Atheist Derick Sanstone debates Christian Apologist Matt Slick on whether God exists or not. This is more of a dialog then it is a formal debate, enjoy! and as always comments are welcome
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Anthropic Principle
This video explores one of the most powerful arguments there is for an intelligent designer! Thomas Aquinas argument from efficient cause argument demonstrates Gods existence, the anthropic principle and other teleological arguments are arguing for the Creators intelligence.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Dr. Martin Luther King
Praise God in his grace for raising a man like Dr. King up and using him to change American history. In the Biblical world view all men and women are made in the image of God. Because we are all descendants of Adam and Eve there is no basis for racism other than ignorance. I really do thank God for raising men like Dr.King up who was bold, unashamed and stood on biblical principles.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Christian Philosopher Dr. Paul Copan

Dr. Copan gives reasons as to why God makes sense of the world we see around us and why Theism is a much better explanation than any other worldview, feel free to leave comments!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Shabir Ally Vs Mike Licona
This is a great debate between two very intelligent and able apologists. Dr. Mike Licona is a sought after Christian Apologist and Mr. Shabir Ally is a Muslim Apologist who frequently debates and gives lectures defending Islam. The resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of our faith, and if Jesus did not rise from the dead, Christianity falls. In Fact the Bible tells us
"And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; you are yet in your sins". And furthermore, he said, "Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished if Christ has not been raised from the dead" I Corinthians 15:12-20. Paul, therefore, placed supreme emphasis on the resurrection of Christ.
I highly recommend the website for great resources and information how to reach are Muslim friends
William Lane Craig
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Problem Of Evil

In light of the tragedy yesterday in Haiti Dr. John Ankerberg has set up a page with several articles and a great dialog between Christian philosopher Dr. Norman Geisler and Jewish Rabbi Harold Kushner who represents finite godism on why there is evil and suffering in the world.
How To Expose Bad Arguments
I am going to break down this video and point out some logical fallacies made.
A logical fallacy Clearly defined is a error in reasoning used to support or refute an argument, excluding simple unintended mistakes
The first 1:30
Here the argument is made that homosexuals should have the same rights as other Americans and if they are denied marriage then the discrimination is comparable to that of the 1960s and even earlier where black people were not given basic human rights.
Begging The Question
This is where one assumes what it is they are trying to prove. The reason the opposition is even having a debate is over whether being gay is a choice or whether one is born that way biologically. Whoopi starts from the hidden premise that gays are born that way, without addressing the question, are they born that way?
This argument is fallacious because being Black or White is not a choice, a person can not change who they are biologically because it is intrinsic to their human nature. So here they have confused a person’s essence with ones function. A persons behavior is not always a direct result of there nature. For example, some people shoplift, but shoplifting is not intrinsic to a person’s nature, but is an example of how they have used there free will to do a bad act which is a function of there free will.
Another point to be made is that the scientific evidence is far from conclusive that a person is born gay. Of course pursuing the same sex is not against the law, but trying to redefine marriage by marrying the same sex is.
Secondly gays have the same rights as everyone else; they are allowed to get married, just not to the same sex.
Appeal To Pity
An appeal to pity attempts to persuade using emotion—specifically, sympathy—rather than evidence. Playing on the pity that someone feels for an individual or group can certainly affect what that person thinks about the group; this is a highly effective, and so quite common, fallacy.
Nobody on the other side of the debate believes that gays should be lynched or shot in the street; this is Whoopi at her best trying to cloud the argument by appealing to emotions.
What about a Father that wants to marry his daughter who is over the age of 18 and is still married to his wife, should he be allowed? If not why not, who are we to discriminate? If the argument is that we should legalize certain behaviors because people should not be discriminated against, then where do you draw the line? Eventually unless you want complete chaos, then the man that wants to marry his goat is going to be discriminated against, the question is what is best for society as a whole, not the particular individual whose behavior will have an adverse effect on society.
reductio ad absurdum
1. (Philosophy / Logic) a method of disproving a proposition by showing that its inevitable consequences would be absurd
This applies when Whoopi states that “If you do not approve of gay marriage, then do not marry a gay person”.
I wonder what Whoopi would say in the 1800s to a slave owner who told her that he was doing nothing wrong by owning slaves and she should keep her nose out of it, after all, if you don’t like slavery don’t own a slave!
Same thing for drugs or prostitution, who are we to try and outlaw prostitution, if you don’t like it, don’t get a prostitute.
This type of logic is infantile at best. Again as a society we have a responsibility to do what is in the best interest of the people.
Red Herring
The red herring is as much a debate tactic as it is a logical fallacy. It is a fallacy of distraction, and is committed when a listener attempts to divert an arguer from his argument by introducing another topic.
When did somebody bring in religion other than Whoopi? One does not need religion or the bible to demonstrate that homosexuality is bad for society and will have negative affects on the society as a whole. Here I will give a few stats from Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Norman Geislers book “Legislating Morality”
On page 132 of their book they have a chart in which they show statistics taken from Omega Study Results, a study comparing obituaries of 6,737 homosexuals to a sample of heterosexuals, the results speak for themselves ( Note LTSP refers to long term sexual partner)
Married men
The average live to be 75
Percent living past 65 80%
Single or Divorced Men
Average age 57
32% Percentage living past 65
Homosexual Men
Without Aids
Average age 42 and only 9% live past 65
Homosexual Men
Without Aids Average age 41
With an LTSP 7% live past 65
Homosexual Men
With Aids an LTSP Average age 39 Less than 2% make it past 65
The source is Paul Cameron PhD, William Playfair, M.D., and Stephen Wellum, The longevity of Homosexuals: Before and after the aids epidemic,” The Omega Journal of Death and Dying 29:3 1994 249-272
The stats speak for themselves; one does not need to bring in religion or the Bible to demonstrate that homosexual behavior is bad for society.
This brings me to another point. Homosexuality has certainly not been shown to be something biological but a choice. However, let’s say a person is born with certain homosexual tendencies why would that be any kind of argument to promote homosexual relationships? What about those born with a propensity to violence, does the cop let the wife beater off because it was in his genes and he just can’t help it? How bout the person born with a propensity to abuse alcohol, should he be let off if he gets caught driving drunk, after all he was born with the bent towards alcoholism?
Of course not, this in called the Naturalistic Fallacy, that is it feels natural or normal it must be morally acceptable, the reasons shown above demonstrate that even if a person was born as a homosexual ( which the scientific evidence does not support) that still would not be a reason to promote same sex behavior and certainly not marriage.
4:36 -5:00
Begging The Question
Whoopi and her co-host again begs the question, the abortion debate is centered around whether the baby in the womb is a human and if so, those who are pro-life say then it is not the woman’s right to kill the baby. Whoopi doesn’t address the argument as to whether the baby is a separate human in the womb and jumps right to her conclusion that a woman should have the right to do what she wants with her body, but again that is the debate, is it her body? If the baby in the womb is a separate person, then it’s not her body but the body of a separate human that she wants to eliminate and outside the womb there is a term for this, we call it murder.
Whoopi brings in the church and state argument, but as shown above one does not need to bring in the bible nor religion to demonstrate homosexuality is harmful to society, and just as we do not promote drugs and other activities that will devastate a society, neither should we promote sexual behavior that also has bad effects on society. I just showed the stats of the health of those who participate in this, there is so much more on how children are affected without a mom and dad growing up.
Whoopi is right, this issue has many ramifications to come and she should pay attention to the research done and educate herself before arguing from nothing more than “outrage”.
Straw Man Fallacy
A straw man argument is one that misrepresents a position in order to make it appear weaker than it actually is, refutes this misrepresentation of the position, and then concludes that the real position has been refuted. This, of course, is a fallacy, because the position that has been claimed to be refuted is different to that which has actually been refuted; the real target of the argument is untouched by it.
She again confuses a person’s essence with a persons function. Being blond or having white skin is not a choice; neither does it deal with moral choices, sexual behavior does.
Feel free to leave comments
Answers in Genesis
By Werner Gitt In The Beginning Was Information (Physics of Information Laws)
Dr Gitt demonstrates why information always demands an informer, that either matter emerged from mind or mind emerged from matter with no directing processes other than natural laws. When we test this we never see information arising without an informer, neither do we see specified complexity coming together by chance and random processes. Dr. Gitt explains why information is powerful evidence for a Creator.
Let all the earth fear the LORD,
let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!
For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood forth.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Dr. Phil Fernandes vs Dr. Eddie Tabash

Dr. Phil Fernandes is head the the Institute for Biblical defense and has his PhD in philosophy.
Dr. Fernandes has debated many of the top Atheists today and is a frequent speaker at churches and apologetic conferences. You can visit his website at
Dr Tabash is a lawyer and well known Atheist, he has engaged some of the top christian apologists in formal debates including Dr. William Lane Craig.
William Lane Craig
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Is God Dead?

Is God Dead?
Dr. Ravi Zacharias argues for the existence of God and why Theism makes sense of the world we see, from creation to the problem of evil and ethics. Hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Dr. James White vs Mr. Greg Stafford

Dr. James White debates Jehovah's Witness Mr. Greg Stafford, I think Dr. White did a great job in this debate and hopefully you will find this debate enjoyable, comments welcome!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Age Of The Earth Debate

Mr. Ken Ham and Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers In Genesis debate Old earth Creationists
Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Walt Kaiser. This was a very good debate, however I wish Dr. John Ankerberg would stick to moderating instead of jumping in and cutting Ken Ham and Jason Lisle off.
It will become very apparent exactly whose side Dr. Ankerberg is on and I feel that as one who should be moderating the debate, he should not continuously jump in. Dr.s Ross and Kaiser are very smart men who do not need help.
Other than that I thought the debate was good and informative and I will let the viewers make up their own mind, enjoy and feel free to leave comments!
Why Origins Matter
Dr. Parker is a speaker with Answers in Genesis. Dr. Parker is a young earth creationist as I am, thus he will be arguing why the theory of evolution fails as a scientific theory. There are many views of creation and are many sincere Christians who believe in the Big bang and millions of years while still rejecting biological evolution. While I certainly do not divide with my brothers in Christ on this topic, I do believe it is an important issue.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Creation Ministries International
Creation Ministries International is one of the top organizations that is dedicated to defending the Young Earth Creationist view. You can visit there website at
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