Monday, November 30, 2009
DNA vs The Book of Mormon
This video demonstrates many of the fatal flaws that are associated with the claims of Mormonism. In this new DVD it challenges fundamental Mormon theology. To get your copy go to
William Lane Craig
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Natural Law
One does not need to have the Bible to know basic laws of morality. Those who say Atheists can not be moral or those who are not Christians can not be moral people are in error. One does not need the Bible nor does one need to believe in God to have a good structure of morals to which they live by.
However, God must exist for there to be an objective moral standard. Objective moral values say that for instance killing a baby for fun, is objectively wrong, which means it is a law that is valid and binding whether anyone believes it or not. Subjective moral values is all that would exist if there was no God (Transcendent Anchor) which would mean one could not say in any objective sense that killing a baby for fun was wrong. It might be your opinion, but why is your opinion better than others?
This is why God must exist for there to be a ground for an objective standard, even atheists can be moral because even though they supress the truth, God does exist. However, if there was no God there would be no objective moral values.
Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who follow this blog. I have been very blessed to be able to run this blog and get the information out there for people to see it, and plan to continue as long as the Lord allows. I am a student at Southern Evangelical Bible College working on my B.A. in Religous Studies. After bible college I plan to go to the Seminary at Southern and continue my education with a M.A. in Christian Apologetics with a concentration in philosophy (For those who have been asking). I hope those who come to this blog are blessed and equipped to go and defend the historic Christian faith, to which we have much to be thankful for!
Jesus Christ or Joseph Smith?
This video goes through the claims of both men and by so doing show that either Jesus or Joseph Smith is wrong. The Law of non-contradiction says two opposing claims can not be both true and false at the same time and in the same sense, thus both can not be correct in what they taught.
To order a DVD of this program visit
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Resurrection, Fact or Fiction?
Dr. William Lane Craig debates outspoken atheist Dr. Hector Avalos.
Dr. Avalos is a very outspoken atheist and often tries to humiliate his opponent, however in this debate Dr. Craig was ready for him, enjoy!
William Lane Craig
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Why Pro Life
Greg Koukl responds to a lady who is pro-choice and explains why the pro life position is the most logical and rational position to defend
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Bible vs The Book of Mormon
Many are confused as to what some of the differences are between these 2 books. This excellent video will go over in detail as to which book should be trusted and which is full of holes, enjoy!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dr. Phil Fernandes
Dr. Phil Fernandes - "Refuting the New Atheists" from Gabe Ginorio on Vimeo.
Dr. Fernandes responds to the "New Atheists" and dismantles their arguments and demonstrates why Theism is more plausible then Atheism, be sure to get Dr. Fernandes new book " The Atheist Delusion". You can get this from, enjoy!
Be sure to visit Dr. Fernandes website
Did Jesus Rise From The Dead?
Dr. Mike Licona debates Muslim Apologist Shabir Ally on the resurrection of Christ.
Dr. Licona will be speaking at the church I attend on Sunday morning starting at 9:30 am, the address is
Community Fellowship Church
217 North Trade Street
Matthews, NC
Monday, November 9, 2009
Frank Turek Vs Christopher Hitchens
Frank Turek vs. Christopher Hitchens: What Best Explains Reality: Theism or Atheism? from Andrew Ketchum on Vimeo.
Outspoken Atheist Christopher Hitchens debates Christian Apologist Dr. Frank Turek, this is there 2nd debate, enjoy!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Did Humans Evolve From Ape Like Ancestors?
Dr. David Menton from Answers In Genesis debunks this old fairy tale
PBS, NOVA and Propaganda
Good article by Answers In Genesis talking about NOVAS new assault on the Bible
Scott Klusendorf
Learn how to destroy the arguments for abortion in 5 minutes. Make sure to visit Mr. Klusendorfs website
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Is The Bible Bogus?
Michael Shermer vs Dr. Ben Witherington on the reliability of the Bible, it is a 10 min crossfire debate, enjoy!
Bible is reliable
Monday, November 2, 2009
Think Abortion is not murder? I challenge you to watch this film. This video is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC; I show this video for the same reason we show videos and pictures of the holocaust and the abuses of slavery. Pictures convey images words can not, and hopefully this will encourage you personally to get involved. The 40 days for life campaign ended yesterday, and after 40 days there were 42 babies saved in Charlotte because people gave of there time and came out in peaceful prayer and protest. We need people to come out and stand with us, those wanting to join us on Saturdays for prayer and peaceful protest, e-mail me at
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